Emily & Nate

October 19, 2024 • Thornton, NH

Emily & Nate

October 19, 2024 • Thornton, NH

Our Story

Our Story

Picture of Our Story

Nate and Emily first met in the fall of 2019 the weekend before their sophomore year of college. Nate knew of Emily from their freshman year and quickly became interested in her when they met at a college event a week before classes started. At that time, Emily had no idea who he was.

On the first day of the semester, they found out they had class together. After the first day of class, Nate ran after Emily through campus to the dorm where they were living just so that he could talk to her. In the next class, Emily made Nate move from the back of the classroom to the front row to sit with her. There was a required book for the class that Emily had not purchased, so Nate would come to her dorm and read it aloud, and they began to do all of their assignments together.

Nate and Em quickly became best friends and started spending as much time together as they could. A month later, they started dating.

Just five months after dating, COVID shut down the school. Two weeks turned into two months, state borders were shutting down, and with the intense unknown surrounding the world, they spent the next five months over Facetime, 500 miles apart from each other. The heights of COVID passed, and while they both decided to take the next two semesters from home, they were finally able to take turns and drive the 8 hours to see each other. In the second semester of junior year, they both returned to Christopher Newport University.

In May 2022, Nate and Emily walked across the graduation stage one after the other to accept their diplomas. After graduation, they decided to move to Nate’s hometown in New Hampshire and start their lives together there.

Three years and ten months after their love story began, Nate proposed to Emily at Prince Gallitzen State Park in Pennsylvania, a campground that Emily and her family had visited every year since she was born.

Now, they are ready for their FOREVER to begin.

Emily and Nate are so grateful for YOU and thank you for being a part of their lives and helping them grow into who they are today as they prepare to walk down the aisle. They hope that you can be in attendance to celebrate their future together.

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